Islas Del Cisne Airport

Информация об аэропорте - Islas Del Cisne Airport, Гондурас

Описание Значение
(Код аэропорта Международной ассоциации воздушного транспорта)
Нет кода ИАТА
Тип Небольшой аэропорт
Код местного аэропорта -
Код аэропорта GPS MHIC
Долгота 17.4073009490967
Широта -83.9327011108398

Фотографии около Islas Del Cisne Airport, Гондурас

Isla Cisne, Islas Santanillas, Honduras Casa Swan Island Photos by David Shaw Swan Island - July 18, 2011 Aerial view of the Swan Islands, a hope spot in need of Marine Protected Area (MPA) status, as identified by Dr. Sylvia Earle.
Islas del Cisne Marine debris carpets the northeastern section of the islands, poignant evidence of the many threats to the ocean caused by human activities Aerial image of the Swan Islands. On the left is Great Swan Island and on the right is Little Swan Island Aerial image of Great Swan Island
Caribbean squid observing the photographer, Sylvia Earle Alliance board member Shari Sant Plummer. Swan Island Photos by David Shaw Swan Island - July 18, 2011 Swan Island - July 18, 2011 Swan Island - July 18, 2011
Tanque de Combustible Militar Pista de Aterrizaje Ancla de la embarcacion Gran Calado Acantilados al sureste de la isla  

Фотографии Islas Del Cisne Airport
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Гондурас, Тегусигальпа