Parliament house Canberra - Architect: Romaldo Giurgola
National museum of Australia - Architect: Howard Raggatt
Government House Canberra
Heads From the North, National Gallery, Canberra [Sculptor: Dadang Christanto]
Floral Art: Pink Gum and Bloodwood
Australian Parliament House, Canberra through the fountain
Black mountain tower and Magpie
29 - 31 Brindabella circuit - Brindabella business park - Architects: Daryl Jackson & Alastair Swayn
Dunrossil drive Canberra
Black Mountain Tower
National library Canberra
26 Richmond avenue Fairbairn
ANU Hedley Bull centre - Architects: Lyons
Canberra - Telstra Tower
Rainbow on Dairy Farmers Hill
Lake Burley Griffin from Kurrajong point
Sulphur crested cockatoos - cacatua galerita
AIS Sport Development and Education Centre - Architect Bill Szydlik
Full working order at the Canberra Fire Museum in Barton/Forrest/Manuka or Campbell, take your pick..
Canberra, EU, Delegation of the European Commission
Rail Motor
Moving along in time (by Paul Strasser)
Excerpt of Touching Lightly by Warren Langley
And there's a photographer....I'll take care of him (by Paul Strasser)
RMC Duntroon, Australian Capital Teritory
Burnt stump hill
Belconnen Inn - Belconnen, A.C.T.
Belconnen - A.C.T.
Northbourne Ave
Parliament House from Red Hill lookout
Redhill Nature Park in Canberra
Canberra from above (1975)
Clouds over Exhibition Park, Canberra
Canberra from Stromlo Forest Park car park
Canberra Motor Village
Telstra tower, far off
Callum Brae Nature Reserve
Autumn oaks in Hovea street
Looking across Calwell to Mt Tennant
Red Hill
Back of Weetangera shops
Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.